Attasit Pokpong has established an very successful genre of Chinese Pop, in Thailand. His fame and fortune has encouraged an entire movement, which explores themes of Chinese Pop, in a distinctly Thai manner.Since Pokpong has long ago stopped doing his street scenes, and recently evolved his portraits into a muddier, more diffused style, that is not as popular with the collectors of this gallery, we have gone in search of other artists, emulating this style.Khamsin Ouaichai is at the top of this group of artists.
This painting measures 120cm. x 100cm. (47"x 39.6"). It is oil on canvas. The image barely does justice to the work.
These paintings are far more beautiful in person, than they are in the images. The photos barely capture the subtle beauty of the work, and the mastery of the technique. We offer a money back guarantee on these lovely paintings, however to date, not a single one has been returned.
Ouaichai is not an art star, like Pokpong, but he is very well regarded for his technical mastery. In a region not well known for it's conceptual edge, he has demonstrated an ability to convey ideas which are distinctive, mysterious, and compelling. His technical mastery, combined with his fresh take on everyday life, in this part of the world, combine to make his work stimulating, and gorgeous, while at the same time creating a great deal of intrigue.
These paintings are priced at less than half the price of a comparable work by Pokpong. We still have a few works remaining by Pokpong. If interested please inquire, and we will send you images and details.
For more info call us at (323) 744-7550, or email us at latinfineart@gmail.com or check out our recently updated Artnet site at: